Achieving High Availability with Azure Load Balancer Step by Step Practice Lab What is a Load Balancer? A load balancer is a server-side architecture that distributes the client’s load to the server. The load balancer sends requests to one server and forwards them to another server. The Microsoft Az...
Azure Fundamentals Prerequisites for AZ 104 Azure Certification There is a saying “” well, at Mentors Tag we truly believe in it. Understanding concepts with crystal clear clarity will not only give you confidence but it also helps in performing a task during the actual work. Actually, that’s one of...
Azure Front Door Service Practice Lab Azure Front Door Service is Microsoft's highly available and scalable web application acceleration platform and global HTTP(s) load balancer. It provides built-in DDoS protection and application layer security and caching. Front Door enables you to build applica...
Deploying API as a container Practice Lab This practice lab is divided into 3 steps like this: 1- Develop dot net core API/App in visual studio 2019. 2- Deploy code as image in to docker hub (optionally you can deploy to Azure Container Registry also) 3- Creating Azure App Service using Azure CLI ba...
5 things you must know about angular official site Angular is one of the most popular front-end frameworks of recent times to develop Single Page applications which was launched by Google. I am assuming that you already know a few things about Angular and you are either working on it or willing to ...