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Sat Aug 6, 2022
Angular is one of the most popular front-end frameworks of recent times to develop Single Page applications which was launched by Google. I am assuming that you already know a few things about Angular and you are either working on it or willing to learn it. From the day when Angular was launched it started with Version 2 which was the following component and module driven application architecture and it was based on TypeScript.
As per today, the latest version of Angular is 9 which is launched last month and from last few years almost all the developers who are working on Angular keep an eagle eye on official site of angular which is especially when a new version is launched and they want to see what’s new in the new version and what’s deprecated from the previous version.
There is no doubt that is actually providing all the useful things which are required to learn and work with the angular framework but there are few things in this site that are kind of hidden or actually tricky to find and to use it. In this article, I am trying to highlight 5 things from that and I am sure it will be very useful for you in your angular journey.
When you go to the official site home page you will get simply Get Started button which will land on the next page with the left sidebar. This left sidebar has our first important thing at the bottom of it. If you scroll that side bar to the bottom end then you will find the current latest version of angular mentioned in the label like this.
This is actually showing me that this site which I have loaded it actually showing me all the tutorials and code samples followed by this specific version and if you check this section it designed like this that every time it will point to the latest stable version of angular.
Now if you click on that label then you will realize that it is actually a dropdown menu in which they are giving you options to change the version of this site and you have a list of all the previous versions of the angular framework.
If you click on any other legacy version the site theme color will get change and you will be redirected to a new subdomain of the main site which will show you all the features of that legacy version of angular. Like when I clicked on angular V6 I got the following page.
This is actually the exact same site which was the official site of angular when Angular v6 was the latest version of angular. In short, whenever google launches a new version of Angular they are actually shifting the older site to this secondary domain and the new latest version will be available on
I have seen many developers who are not aware of this thing and this will be useful to avoid issues that can get generated into your projects when sometimes you use some of the code syntax shown in the new version of the site.
On this same left sidebar exactly above version dropdown, you will have a link API and if you click on that you will get a list of decorators, classes, const, directives, functions, pipes interfaces and many more which belongs to this particular version.
The two dropdowns available on this page will let you select type and status using which you can see things are currently available also things which deprecated and at a security risk. When you are a project lead or decision-maker for the project migrations this page will help you a lot to understand things that are deprecated and removed from the previous versions.
Angular releases are pre-planned and you will information of these releases from the official blog but what if I tell you that you will get to know about each release and what new features and code syntaxes, they will launch in that in advance before few months. Who doesn’t like to see the future and getting ready for it before time? If you go to you will get release information with LTS – Long term Support for each release like the following image is showing me that when angular 8 was active version it was already decided that from Nov 20, 2019, it will be on LTS mode for a year and it also means that in this duration angular 9 will be the stable and latest version.
Also if you won't know that what will come in angular 9 or the next coming version which is in beta then you can go to and you will get either a beta or RC-release candidate version guide which is also a new site which will be shifted to official domain after stale release. This site is mostly having a red color theme like this and this is obviously not production-ready.
This will help you in pre-planning or show off your knowledge in front of your other tech friends or probably in interviews that you know things in advance.
Most people don’t know but site is totally connected on Github and all the lab samples, documentation, and tutorials are available on Github which you can FORK into your own repository and keep your own version of it in multiple branches.
On the home page of the site or on the header when you click on this icon it will allow you to sign in with your GIT account and you can associate with this site’s repository.
If you are the one who keeps yourself updated and tries to be on learning mode when you get a chance then ng-conf is the global event organized by the official angular team. Of course, you can get the coolest learning courses on angular on Mentor’s Tag angular section but if you want to really want to know what some features are removed and insights of many useful topics related to angular framework then ng-conf is a great event to attend.
Apart from tech learning these Angular events are also useful to connect with local industry experts and other professionals who are working on the same technology. One of the Well known Angular and JavaScript Expert from India is Mr.Dhananjay Kumar who is working extensively in these community events and helping hundreds of professionals every day.
If you are Angular professional and willing to explore your career in helping the community and providing coaching to others then feel free to connect with us here.
Maruti Makwana
An Indian, Coach, Learner, Father, Husband, and friend for a few Chosen ones.