Module-1 Cloud basics [optional]
1 Introduction of the course
2 Cloud Basics
3 Azure Active Directory
4 Role Based Access Control
5 Azure Storage Services
Module-2 Azure Data Storage
1 Azure SQL Database PAAS
2 Azure SQL Database Geo Replication
3 Azure SQL Database IAAS
4 Azure Storage Account Redundancy
5 Azure Storage Account
6 Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
7 Azure Cosmos DB
Module-3 Azure Data Factory
1 Azure Data Factory Intro
2 Creating First Pipeline
3 ADF to OnPrem Integration with SHIR
4 Secure ADF linked Service with Azure Key Vault
5 ADF Pipeline Monitoring
Module-4 Azure Databricks
1 Understanding Azure Databricks
2 Spark Basics
3 Azure Databricks workspace
4 Running Notebooks with Spark Transformation
Spark Transformations1
5 Accessing BLOB Data in ADB Notebooks
6 Sample Notebooks
Aggregations Groupby
Aggregations Join
pyspark_reg expressions
Extra Databricks-Spark-Developer-notebooks
7 Integrating ADF with ADB Notebooks using Job Clusters
Module-5 Azure Synapse
1 What is Azure Synapse
2 Synapse Studio
3 Synapse Dedicated SQL Pool part 1
4 Synapse Dedicated SQL Pool part 2
5 Synapse Serverless SQL Pool
6 Synapse Pipelines
7 Synapse Link HTAP
8 Synapse Notebooks
Spark Transformations sn
9 Real Time Streaming with Azure Services part 1
10 Real Time Streaming with Azure Services part 2
11 Synapse Labs
Module-6 End to End Data Analytics
1 Data Warehouse Architectures
2 Delta Lake Architecture
3 Implementing Delta Lake with Azure Databricks part 1
4 Implementing Delta Lake with Azure Databricks part 2
5 Certification Guidelines
DP-203 Exam Sample Questions
DP 203 (1)
DP 203 (2)
DP 203 (3)
DP 203 (4)
Preview - Mastering Azure Data Engineering
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